    HomeNewsBusinessWhat Is the Importance of Group Video Conferencing in Business?

    What Is the Importance of Group Video Conferencing in Business?

    Businesses have had to change a lot lately. From pandemics to political disturbances, a lot has modified the way businesses choose to function. With the ever-increasing restriction on human movement and socialization, group video conferencing is the game’s name.

    According to Gartner, by 2024, in-person meetings will drop from 60% of enterprise meetings to 25%, driven by remote work and changing workforce demographics.

    Major advancements in technology have drastically changed how and where we conduct business. Building and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders and customers is essential for businesses to grow and globalize. Group Video conferencing helps ensures smooth functioning of the business’s day-to-day activities. Also, employees can work in collaboration despite various restrictions concerning geography, medical emergencies, etc.

    Why Do Businesses Need Group Video Conferencing Now More Than Ever?

    While technology generally has found increasing use in business, certain trends have made video conferencing indispensable. These are-

    Uncertain business environment – The world has seen pandemics and political disruptions in the last few days. Such an uncertain environment has led to human movement restrictions. This also affected employees’ ability to collaborate for operations and the leadership’s ability to make critical business decisions. But thanks to the group video conferencing platforms, businesses have been able to endure such uncertainties. Seamless collaboration of many people from different parts of the world has enabled the employees to work in a highly connected way.

    Limitations of physical meetings – Physical meetings are becoming more and more challenging to conduct as they are expensive and have limitations concerning attendance. While audio calls enable communication, they lag in the connection formed by exchanging facial expressions, hand gestures, body language, etc. With this, video conferencing platforms for large groups come into the picture as they help ensure all the stakeholders are on the same page and can collaborate with deep face-to-face communication effortlessly and at minimum cost.

    Competitive advantage – With all the businesses making use of group video conferencing to collaborate cost-effectively, any business that sits on its hands during turbulent times will lose out on the cost friendliness that group video meetings offer. Businesses should use group video conferencing technology to ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page, leading to a sound decision-making process.

    Globalization – Employees are now hired based on talent instead of location. This has been made possible due to group video conferencing platforms. The platform allows employees to collaborate and work in cohesion from wherever they are.

    Changing employee expectations – With the advent of group video calls in business and remote work becoming more popular, employees now expect flexibility in work schedules and ways of working. This seems to corroborate the Gartner research of 2021, which said that in 2022, 31% of all workers worldwide would be remote. Remote work is becoming an expectation and not just a trend.

    What Is the Importance of Group Video Conferencing in Business?

    Group video conferencing has occupied the lion’s share of meetings in enterprises worldwide. The reasons for the rising popularity of this technology can be summarized as follows-

    • Video conferencing ensures connectedness and cohesiveness within the organization
    • It offers a way of effectively working in the new normal
    • It offers a cost-friendly way for the organization to operate
    • It offers remote work capabilities leading to flexible schedules for the stakeholders
    • It allows for better talent acquisition and retention opportunities, unrestricted by logistic barriers

    How Do You Deliver Exceptional Business Solutions from a Virtual Office?

    Corlett-Wellstone, a new breed of an emerging virtual company, during COVID-19 provided a virtual office. It allowed its associates to collaborate and produce high-quality results for the clients.

    Read how they continued their effective operations during the pandemic by using HCL Sametime and other software from the HCL suite of collaborative solutions and staying ahead of its time.


    Thus, group video conferencing platforms are the need of the hour as they help ensure the smooth functioning of businesses. See how HCL Sametime, an enterprise-grade secure video and chat platform, can seamlessly create a collaborative, face-to-face, and productive meeting environment for your business and prepare it for the future. Contact us to schedule a demo today.

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