    HomeHealthHow Yoga Can Help Digestion

    How Yoga Can Help Digestion

    What’s yoga?

    Yoga is a tradition that has been used for thousands of years to unite the mind and body to promote good health. Yoga is often considered to have a spiritual component.

    This practice combines the following:

    • gentle movement (asanas)
    • Pranayama can be described as a way to breathe.
    • meditation (dyana)

    It stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system, also known by the rest and digestion system.

    How yoga may help digestion

    Digestion is the process of digesting food and eliminating waste from your body.

    People use this term to describe symptoms of digestion like gas, bloating, and discomfort.

    The gut-brain axis is a communication system that uses nerves to send biochemical messages through blood. It connects the digestive system and the brain. Yoga can help men’s health and Cenforce 100 is helpful for men’s health.

    This allows your gut to respond directly to physical or psychological stress. This can cause nausea, constipation, stomach pains, and other symptoms.

    General gut health

    Yoga is thought to improve digestion by decreasing stress, increasing circulation, and encouraging physical movement in the gastrointestinal tract (GI).

    Irritable bowel syndrome

    IBS (irritable stool syndrome) may be relieved by yoga. Scientists believe IBS can be caused by excessive activity in your sympathetic nervous system, which is your body’s stress system.

    Walking has similar benefits as other types of exercise, according to the study. Regular exercise and stress reduction may be key factors to your relief from symptoms.

    In other studies, yoga for IBS relief was also shown to be beneficial.

    Inflammatory bowel disease

    For people suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, yoga may help to manage symptoms. Yoga should not replace any other medication.

    Research on yoga poses that relieve GI problems is limited. Most current claims are based on individual reports. Scientists should conduct more research.

    Yoga poses for digestion

    These nine yoga poses can help with digestion.

    1. Seated Side Bend (Parsva sukhasana)

    If you are looking to strengthen your stomach muscles, obliques, and shoulders, this is a great place to start.

    This gentle stretch can reduce gas and bloat and help improve digestion.

    How to do it

    1. Cross your legs and place your hands on the ground.
    2. Your left arm should be lifted straight up and you can then slowly lean towards the right.
    3. Your right forearm should rest on the ground with your face facing inward.
    4. Slowly inhale, then exhale about 4-5 times. Then switch sides and repeat.

    2. Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

    This twisting motion is thought to encourage regular bowel movements. It aids the small intestines and large intestines during peristalsis. This is responsible for the movement of food and waste through your GI system.

    You can also use this yoga move to reduce bloating.

    How to do it

    1. Place your right leg straight on the ground. Your left foot should be on the floor. Bend your left knee to place your left foot. Throughout the entire movement, you should keep your left foot planted.
    2. Next, gently lean your right leg towards your left. Bend your right knee so that your right sole faces inward towards the left buttock. If this seems too difficult, you can keep your right leg straight.
    3. Your right elbow should be on your left knee. Next, rotate your trunk to the left. Your left palm should rest on the ground, to the left of your buttocks.
    4. Your left shoulder should be slightly higher than your neck.
    5. Hold this position for 4-5 deep, steady breathes. Your spine will lengthen as you take deep, steady breaths. You can switch sides and continue the process.

    3. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

    To stretch the lower back and improve spinal mobility, Supine Spinal Twist Pose is a good choice.

    It is believed that it can reduce constipation, bloating, and overall digestion.

    How to do it

    1. Place your head on your stomach. This is also called supine.
    2. Place your soles on a flat surface and bend your knees. Your hips should be lifted approximately 1-2 inches (22.5-5cm) above the ground. Next, move your hips to one inch (22.5 cm) to the right. This will allow you to stack your hips while you do this move. Lower your hips to the ground.
    3. Straighten your left leg and grab your right knee. Then, bring it towards you.
    4. Your left leg should be straight. Now, gently move your right leg to the side. Next, lift your right knee over your left. Instead of pushing your right knee down, let your left leg drape lightly over it.

    4. Kneel to the chest (Apanasana)

    A gentle movement that allows you to relax your lower back and reduce strain is knees to chest

    It is believed to massage the large intestine gently to promote bowel movement.

    How to do it

    1. Your hands should be on your stomach. Now, stretch your arms out and straighten your arms.
    2. Slowly bend your knees and bring your knees closer to your chest. To pull them closer, use your arms and legs.
    3. This position should be held for 4-5 deep breaths

    5. Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

    Cat-Cow Pose can be described as a transition between two traditional positions of yoga: Cow Pose or Cat Pose. Both can stretch your stomach and back.

    These poses encourage blood circulation and gentle massage to your organs, which can improve gut peristalsis.

    How to do it

    1. Start on your hands and knees with a neutral spine. This is a straight, flat back. Your hips should align with your knees and your wrists should align with your shoulders.
    2. Begin by entering Cow Pose. To do this, tilt your pelvis so that your belly is in line with your tailbone. Engage your core.
    3. Gently roll your shoulders back and then lift your head up. Avoid extending your neck too far.
    4. Continue to do so for at most 4-5 minutes.
    5. Next, return to neutral
    6. With your soles facing upward, place your feet on the floor and hold your gaze in a cat pose. Arch your back and tuck your tailbone. Then, draw your belly button towards your spine.
    7. Allow gravity to take control by gently lowering your head.
    8. Continue to do so for at most 4-5 minutes.
    9. Repeat the process two to three times.

    6. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

    Cobra Pose mimics the upright posture of a cobra. It helps improve posture and stretch the stomach muscles.

    How to do it

    1. Start by lying on your stomach, with your feet together and your elbows bent.
    2. Place your feet on the floor with your toes.
    3. Press your hands into your palms to keep your head and chest elevated. Keep your elbows slightly bent as you straighten your arms. Your shoulders should be slightly rolled inwards. Instead of lifting your neck, raise your sternum.
    4. Your pelvis should be flat on the floor. Keep your chest and upper back forward.
    5. Your head should be slightly raised, but your neck shouldn’t be raised. Hold the position for 4-5 deep breaths.

    7. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

    Bow Pose mimics the archer’s bow. It can help relieve cramps and stretch your back.

    How to do it

    1. Place your hands on each side and lay flat on your stomach.
    2. Bend your knees and bring your feet up to your buttocks. Reach back and grab your ankles. Keep your knees as low as your hips as possible.
    3. Move your feet toward your body and raise your legs slightly above the ground. Your chest should be lifted and your feet should be raised simultaneously. Your pelvis should be flat to the ground.
    4. Hold the position for 4-5 deep breaths. If you are having trouble breathing, you can hold the position for another 4-5 breaths. This step might be skipped by some people.

    8. Belly Twist (Jathara Pavartanasana)

    This simple twist encourages digestion by stimulating blood circulation and gut peristalsis.

    How to do it

    1. Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent. Next, place your feet on the ground. Next, extend your arms outward. Your hips should be approximately an inch (2,5cm) to your right.
    2. Keep your feet off the ground, and your knees and feet together.
    3. Your hips should be to the left. Bend your legs. Your upper back should lie flat on the ground. Let gravity bring your legs closer to the ground.
    4. Continue to do so for at most 4-5 minutes.
    5. Your hips should be in neutral. Now, gently pull your knees towards your chest with your hands. Slowly straighten your legs.


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